Post Natal Training
Regardless of whether you have had a child recently or a few years ago, your body has been pushed and stretched to its limits. Before hitting the next baby bootcamp or other higher intensity exercise class, make sure your body, especially the inner core unit of the pelvic floor and deep abdominal muscles, are ready, able and capable.
Learn more about your Pelvic Floor & Inner Core >>
Mamadoo Core Restore

Fit Mama Personal Training
​​​Mamadoo offers bespoke personal training sessions for post natal women so you can truly rebuild strength for all that motherhood requires.
Kirsty uses her Mamadoo Method of signature core restore moves for the pelvic floor and deep abdominals as well as building on overall strength for a full body workout.
Being a mother Kirsty knows how hard it is to find time to commit to an hour of 'me time' therefore babies are very welcome to join in with the sessions and Kirsty will do her very best to entertain and cuddle your little one so you can get the most out of your workout.
If you would like to know more about Mamadoo Post Natal Personal Training please contact me.

Mamadoo RunClub
Mamadoo RunClub is a downloadable 12 week running and exercise programme for post natal women. Suitable for Mamas 8 weeks post vaginal birth or 12 weeks post c section.
Whether you are a complete beginner or you want to return to running since your pregnancy then this is a must.
The programme not only guides you back into running but also comes with a weekly exercise plan to strengthen your core and pelvic floor as well as key muscles groups needed for injury free running.
Plus you will get access to Mamadoo RunClub FaceBook group where you will be able to get advice, support and all the motivation you need to succeed!​
"I ache less, the connective tissue between my stomach muscles has improved (so much so that even I can feel the difference) and I leak less!! Hooray!! I also like that I have been given the tools to continue working on my core and pelvic floor, so can continue to make progress beyond the six sessions. Kirsty creates a really calm and supportive atmosphere. The sessions were different each week, which was nice. She was also great at keeping the babies occupied so I managed to exercise for a decent chunk of time. This is rare and was greatly appreciated." Charlotte
"The gap between my tummy muscles has reduced and is stronger. In general I feel much stronger and have lost the wobbly feeling in my core that I had after giving birth. I've returned to running and have been progressing well (beating my pre pregnancy 5k times) which I put down to laying good foundations with the core work from the class." Leanne
"For me the best benefit was psychological, I felt that I was taking control over my body something I hadn't felt in a while! I felt more confident as my body changed, I am stronger in so many ways. Every woman should take this course post baby!" Emma